Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey


Welcome back to everyone and we hope you had a fantastic Halloween break. Below are some photographs of the really spooky Halloween costumes, well done to everyone on making such an effort.

Best of Luck to Mrs Duane who is gone on maternity leave and welcome to Mrs Long.

Thank you to Finbarr from Clonakilty Rugby Club for the last 6 weeks of excellent training.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Covid Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if my child is unwell?

Do not send your child to school if your child has:

·  a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more

·  any other common symptoms of coronavirus – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, or shortness of breath

·  been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus

·  been living with someone who is going for a coronavirus test

Please contact your GP for advice.

What about their siblings?

Siblings may attend school (unless a household member is going for a coronavirus test/awaiting coronavirus test results)

What happens if my child becomes unwell in school?

If your child becomes unwell at school, you will be rang and asked to collect your child. She/he will be taken to our isolation room (with staff supervision) and given a mask to wear until collection. Please ring your GP for medical advice. This is a free service that your GP is providing.

Can siblings attend school?

Siblings may attend school if they are well.


What happens if my child is sent for a test?

If your GP says that a test is required all household contacts must restrict their movements until test results are back. In this instance, siblings may not attend school and you cannot attend work.


When can my child return to school?

If/when your child has a negative test result:

·  The HSE say he/she may return to school once symptom free for 48 hours.

·  The Department of Education and Skills say that she/he may return to school when “clinically well enough”

As we are unable to make clinical judgements, please contact your GP for advice regarding this matter.


When can siblings return to school?

Siblings may return to school once the child who was tested receives a negative test result.


What if a member of my household has been identified as a close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19?

Public Health will contact you about this. Currently they are advising that:

-if the household member (close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19) has symptoms (or a symptom), other members of the household will have to restrict their movements until the test results come back.

-if the house member (close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19) does not have symptoms (or a symptom), while she/he will have to restrict their movements for 14 days from the date of contact, other household members do not have have to restrict their movements. Please note that this could change depending on test results

Is there anything else I need to do?

If your child is unable to attend school, please contact school for school work for your child. Please note that this work will not be near the same level of detail as the work that we were providing for Distance Learning (March to June) as teachers are teaching classes fulltime.


Prior to your child’s return to school:

Please send the following email.

Subject:  Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration.

Content: I have no reason to believe that my child (please insert name), has an infectious disease and I have followed all medical and public health guidance with respect to exclusion of my child from educational facilities.

*please note that the wording of this email is from the HSE/HPSC document “Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form” available at


As you are aware the guidelines change on occasion and as of today this page is correct. I will update this page if/when necessary.

I hope this page helps with any questions you may have. If there is anything I have omitted, please email and I will assist.

Please note that there is additional information available at the following link.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

First Holy Communion

Many Congratulation to the boys and girls of 3rd class who received their First Holy Communion on Saturday. They did a tremendous job and did their school and familes proud. They thoroughly enjoyed their surprise pizza on Friday!

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey


Next Week all teachers will be giving out one activity to be completed on Seesaw.

Each child will be given their unique QR code to log onto seesaw and to complete the activity.

How do students use their home learning code?

  1. Students go to https:/ on a computer or install the Seesaw class app on ios or android.

  2. Students tap I’m a student.

  3. Students scan their code or type in their text code to access their Seesaw account.

An email will be sent to all parents on the day the QR codes are given out. We hope all children enjoy taking part in these activities.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey


Just a few gentle reminders

  1. Drop off is at 9am when supervision begins. Children can now make their own way to their classroom using the correct door.

  2. Collection is at 2:50pm sharp for 1st, 2nd and 3rd and 2:55pm for 4th, 5th and 6th. Please ensure these times are adhered to, to allow for social distancing.

  3. Remember to use the one way system at drop off and collection to avoid traffic congestion.

  4. Please email the class teacher with any notes or queries regarding your child. Email addresses are as follows:

    Mrs. Coomey-

    Mrs. Duane-

    Ms. Kelly-

    SET (Mrs. O’ Driscoll and Mrs. O'Regan):

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Back to School

Hello everyone!!

I hope you all had an enjoyable summer and are looking forward to the return of the school routine.

Below is an update on a few items before we return to school on Friday the 28th of August.

  • Firstly we would like to extend a warm welcome to our new principal Mrs. Lorraine Coomey. We wish Mrs. Coomey every success in the years ahead.

  • A big welcome to Mrs. O’Regan who will be job sharing with Mrs. O’ Driscoll in SET.

  • This year Mrs. Coomey will be teaching the Senior Room, Mrs. Duane will be teaching the Middle Room and Ms. Kelly will be teaching the Junior Room.

  • On the morning of the 28th of August, at 9am, all children from Senior infants to 6th class will enter through the front gate where their teacher will meet them and bring them to their classrooms. Infants will enter through the main door. 1st, 2nd and 3rd will walk behind the Montessori and enter the Middle Room through the back door and the Senior Room will enter their room through the back door of the GP Room.

  • Junior infants will begin at 10:00am on the morning of the 28th. They will finish at 12noon for the first two weeks

  • At the end of the school day the infant room will be collected at the side gate by the Montessori at 1:55pm. 1st, 2nd and 3rd class will be collected at the big gate by the Middle Room at 2:50pm and the Senior Room will be collected at 2.55pm from the side gate by the Montessori.

  • Sanitizing: All children will sanitize their hands on entering and exiting the school. They will wash and sanitize their hands before and after their lunch break and at any other time that is required.

  • Temperature Check: Please check your child’s temperature each morning before they come to school.

  • Uniform is as normal.

  • Please do not send any sick/absence notes with your children and use the following email addresses to contact their teacher:

    Ms Coomey:

    Ms Duane:

    Ms Kelly:

  • Please use the following link for further Covid advice for parents:

We look forward to seeing you all again on Friday the 28th August!

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In the event that a child forgets his/her lunch the school has provided a box outside the main door to enable parents to drop their children'slunch without the necessity to enter the school building.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Summer Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone!

We hope you have an enjoyable, safe summer and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Book Return Monday 22nd June

Book Return will take place on Monday 22nd June from 10 O’ clock – 2 O’ clock .

There will be three boxes allocated outside the school building, each labelled with Junior room, Middle room, Senior room.

Please be mindful of social distancing rules and other families. Do not congregate outside the school building and leave time and space between yourself and the family ahead of you.

List of books to be returned :

Junior Room: Reader: Splash (Junior Infants), Stop that Dog (Senior Infants and any Library books.

Middle Room: Finns Dream, The Four Friends, The Grumpy teaspoon, Get Set , Stanley Novel. Folders with PM books.

Senior Room: Lets Go reader, Racing Ahead, Busy at Maths 5 , Busy at Maths 6

I am aware that some classes had finished their readers throughout the year so don’t worry if you don’t have these books in their bags. This is the extensive list of book rentals in the school.

If anyone has any queries or can’t make it on the day don’t hesitate to contact me on and we will come up with an alternative.

Míle buíochas daoibh go léir.

Mrs. O’ Driscoll.

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