Covid Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my child is unwell?
Do not send your child to school if your child has:
· a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more
· any other common symptoms of coronavirus – a new cough, loss or changed sense of taste or smell, or shortness of breath
· been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
· been living with someone who is going for a coronavirus test
Please contact your GP for advice.
What about their siblings?
Siblings may attend school (unless a household member is going for a coronavirus test/awaiting coronavirus test results)
What happens if my child becomes unwell in school?
If your child becomes unwell at school, you will be rang and asked to collect your child. She/he will be taken to our isolation room (with staff supervision) and given a mask to wear until collection. Please ring your GP for medical advice. This is a free service that your GP is providing.
Can siblings attend school?
Siblings may attend school if they are well.
What happens if my child is sent for a test?
If your GP says that a test is required all household contacts must restrict their movements until test results are back. In this instance, siblings may not attend school and you cannot attend work.
When can my child return to school?
If/when your child has a negative test result:
· The HSE say he/she may return to school once symptom free for 48 hours.
· The Department of Education and Skills say that she/he may return to school when “clinically well enough”
As we are unable to make clinical judgements, please contact your GP for advice regarding this matter.
When can siblings return to school?
Siblings may return to school once the child who was tested receives a negative test result.
What if a member of my household has been identified as a close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19?
Public Health will contact you about this. Currently they are advising that:
-if the household member (close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19) has symptoms (or a symptom), other members of the household will have to restrict their movements until the test results come back.
-if the house member (close contact of someone diagnosed with Covid 19) does not have symptoms (or a symptom), while she/he will have to restrict their movements for 14 days from the date of contact, other household members do not have have to restrict their movements. Please note that this could change depending on test results
Is there anything else I need to do?
If your child is unable to attend school, please contact school for school work for your child. Please note that this work will not be near the same level of detail as the work that we were providing for Distance Learning (March to June) as teachers are teaching classes fulltime.
Prior to your child’s return to school:
Please send the following email.
Subject: Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration.
Content: I have no reason to believe that my child (please insert name), has an infectious disease and I have followed all medical and public health guidance with respect to exclusion of my child from educational facilities.
*please note that the wording of this email is from the HSE/HPSC document “Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form” available at
As you are aware the guidelines change on occasion and as of today this page is correct. I will update this page if/when necessary.
I hope this page helps with any questions you may have. If there is anything I have omitted, please email and I will assist.
Please note that there is additional information available at the following link.