Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

June Week 3

  • Congratulations to Caren Dalton who got engaged over the weekend. Caren is such a dedicated member of staff who is always going above and beyond for all of the children and her work colleagues. We are so excited to share the exciting news and we wish Caren and Philip a lifetime of happiness together.

  • This week is active week so we hope everyone enjoys winding down from school work. Please feel free to pick and choose the exercises to suit your family from the grid emailed out to heads of families.

  • AgriKids farm safety webinars will take place on Wednesday June 17th and Wednesday June 24th. The AgriKids website has loads of fun puzzles, games and lots more:

For registration for the webinars please follow the links below:

  1. June 17th 4- 7 year olds:

2. June 17th 8-12 year olds:

3. June 24th 4-7 year olds:

4. June 24th 8- 12 year olds:

  • This will be the last week of live Joe Wicks workouts, RTE school Hub, Cúla4 ar scoil and the GAA activity booklets.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Crinniú na nÓg

Crinniú na nÓg is a day of free creativity for children and young people and it will all take place online on Saturday June 13th. This will include a series of story writing & story telling, music, digital drawing, stop motion animation, Gaeilge, den building, poetry, nature ninjas & lots more. For more information on events scheduled for Cork please follow the link.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

June Week 2

  • Active week will take place for Ahiohill N.S. from June 15th-19th. This will involve a schedule of activities that you can take part in from your home. All details will be emailed to heads of families next week.

  • “Drive by” graduation for Harry and James will take place on Tuesday June 23rd at 10am. The boys and their families will be in the front yard of the school while their classmates drive by.

  • ‘We all have different shades of skin’ This is a short story suitable for younger classes describing how we all have different shades of skin.

  • Outdoor activities to build social skills.

  • Fun ideas for June- See picture below.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

June Week 1

We hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather this long weekend.

  • Slideshow below goes through Irish Water Safety’s 14 tips to safe swimming.

  • PAWS- Primary aquatic water safety. Please have a look on this website for water safety tips to safely prepare your family if you are going to the beach. There are videos and online interactive games divided up based on class level.

  • Talented young performers wanted: RTE Junior and Donncha O’ Callaghan are looking for singers, dancers and musicians in the 5-11 year age group, please see picture 2 below for further details.

  • Glór na ngael on facebook have fantastic Gaeilge resources such as Irish stories read aloud, crosswords, skills challenges and lots more.

  • FAI have a range of free resources available including skills demonstrations from FAI Grassroots youtube page, healthy eating suggestions with recipe ideas, no barriers at home and a variety of colouring pages and competitions.

  • Youtube: ‘While we can’t hug’ is a heart-warming picture book for kids that shows us ways to be affectionate while social distancing.

  • ‘Imoves’ have 2-10 minute brain breaks and workouts on both their website and facebook page for 4- 11 year olds.

  • Last week for new resources and daily challenges.

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Picture 2

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

May Week 4

  • Cork County Council Library & Art Service are hosting a weekly Lego building competition STEAMathon- Science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. This week they are focusing on ‘T’= technology so you can build anything technological. Please check out their facebook page as they advertise the weekly challenge on this-

  • Free, fun maths resources: The following website has an abundance of resources available to teach maths at home, daily activities, puzzles and games, primary and secondary school challenges for our past & present pupils and a parents’ section.

  • Gaeilge: Tá crosfhocal an lae, cuardach focal agus crosfhocal na nóg atá ar fáil ar gach lá.

  • Free mental well-being activity journal for kids available to download here:

  • GAA weekly challenges booklets, this week they are as Gaeilge:

    Junior Infants - 2nd Class:

    3rd- 6th Class:

  • Salt dough family handprints- Please see photographs 1, 2 & 3 for further details.

  • Cork County Library are also compiling an archive ‘Covid-19 Memories’. This is separate to their creative writing competition for 4th-6th class mentioned in May Week 1 post. Please see photograph 4 below for details.  

  • Cúla 4 schedule for the week in picture 5.











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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

May Week 3

  1. Bealtaine Living Earth Festival takes place this week, May 16th – 24th. There will be virtual tours and live streamed visits at 5 O’ Clock every evening, activities and workshops for all. More information can be found here:

  2. Activities for new infants coming into Ahiohill NS in September and current infants: The following are some ideas for home-based learning on fine motor skills, social skills, independent skills and gross motor skills:

  3. Internet safety guidelines and resources for parents from webwise. This website has a wide variety of free booklets and leaflets to download to suit the needs of your family.

  4. HSE have released free online stress control classes for parents. These offer practical skills for dealing with stress or for those who may be feeling overwhelmed at this time.

  5. Gaa challenges booklet:

    Junior Infants- Second Class

    3rd- 6th Class:

  6. Geography Challenge 4: Learn the remaining flags and capitals of the final 14 countries in Europe: Moldova-Chișinău, Bosnia and Herzegovina-Sarajevo, Lithuania-Vilnius, North Macedonia-Skopje, Latvia- Riga, Montanegro- Podgorica, Andorra- Andorra la Vella, Monaco-Monaco, Liechenstein-Vaduz, San Marino-San Marino, Vatican City- Vatican city, Serbia- Belgrade, Kosovo-Pristina and Russia-Moscow. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE FLAGS: HTTPS://BIT.LY/2VHNSS7 THE FOLLOWING LINK HAS AN ARRAY OF PUZZLES AND GAMES BASED ON THE EU COUNTRIES. HTTPS://BIT.LY/2YCTRCS

  7. Simple flower threading ideas in pictures 1 & 2.

  8. Grow a rainbow experiment in picture 3.

  9. Build your own bird house in picture 4.

  10. Cúla 4 schedule for the week ahead in picture 5.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

May Week 2

1.    ‘Draw Our Heroes’ art competition-Draw your hero during this time. There are 4 age categories up to 18 years old and the deadline for competition is June 30th. Further information can be found on their website.

2.   ‘Scoil na Mara’. These video series include exploration and celebration of Irish seashore biodiversity and the importance of the ocean. Each video comes with additional activity suggestions, a worksheet exercise and some suggestions for age specific modifications.

3.   Aldi ‘Play Rugby’ sticker promotion is suspended. However we will still be able to use stickers when we return to school so if anyone has them please keep them for September.

4.   Speech and Language therapist Jenny is sharing free resources and advice for parents on her website:


6.   “Everybody Worries” is a free e-book offering support to children who are worried about the Coronavirus and the sudden changes it has brought to their lives.


7.   Union Hall RNLI have a water safety Wednesday talk weekly on their facebook page at 10:15 am. They are also hosting a colouring competition #respectthewater. Closing date is May 15th. Please see their facebook page for further details.

8. Geography challenge 3: LEARN THE FLAGS AND CAPITALS OF THE FOLLOWING 10 COUNTRIES IN EUROPE: Greece- Athens, Croatia- Zagreb, Romania-Bucharest, Ukraine- Kyiv , Malta- Valletta, Bulgaria-Sofia, Albania- Tirana, Slovenia-Ljubljana , Estonia- Tallinn, Cyprus- Nicosia . FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE FLAGS: HTTPS://BIT.LY/2VHNSS7 THE FOLLOWING LINK HAS AN ARRAY OF PUZZLES AND GAMES BASED ON THE EU COUNTRIES. HTTPS://BIT.LY/2YCTRCS

9.   Build your own library: Cork County Library are  inviting people of all ages  to build your own library out of recycled materials that you can find around your home. Photos should include your name and location and can be emailed to Some ideas in pictures below.

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

May Week 1

Hello everyone!

As you may have heard there will be no school for the remainder of the year so we will continue to teach online until June. We hope everyone is adapting to this new way of life and a special thank you to all the parents and children of Ahiohill N.S. for all your hard work so far.

Here are some ideas for the week ahead:

1.    Prim-ed have released 6 more free engaging cross-curricular activities. This week’s topics include budding botanists, cool experiments, keen eye, keep the party going, get sporty and guilt-free screen time.

2.   Creative writing competition for 4th-6th class. This is run by the Cork County Library and the deadline is May 25th. The winning stories will be publicised on Red FM radio station and published in Cork's Evening Echo newspaper. They will also be added to an archive currently being complied by Local Studies and History department to commemorate this extraordinary time in our world. See picture 1 below for further details.

3.   Cúla 4 schedule for this week in picture 2 below.


4.   GEOGRAPHY CHALLENGE: LEARN THE FLAGS AND CAPITALS OF THE FOLLOWING 10 COUNTRIES IN EUROPE: Portugal- Lisbon, Spain- Madrid, Italy- Rome, Switzerland –Bern (federal city), Austria- Vienna, Germany- Berlin, Poland-Warsaw, Czech Republic- Prague, Slovakia- Bratislava, Hungary-Budapest. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE FLAGS: HTTPS://BIT.LY/2VHNSS7 The following link has an array of puzzles and games based on the EU countries.

5.   GAA Primary challenges have released a free new portal for developing skills and have some weekly fun competitions.

6.   For those of you enjoying the kitchen, here are some new recipes you may like to try from BBC Good Food:

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Lorraine Coomey Lorraine Coomey

Final week of Spring

This week marks the last week of April and the end of Spring. Here are some news updates and suggestions for the week:

  1. Cork city sports has been postponed and will resume in summer 2021.

  2. Worksheets and supporting material for rte school hub are available here:

  3. ‘Keep Cork Active Booklets’: This free resource was compiled by the Cork Sports Partnership team in conjunction with a number of partner organisations to support you to keep active at home.

  4. Reminder of excellent Irish Maths resources:  

  5. Geography Challenge: Learn the flags and capitals of the following 10 countries in Europe: Ireland- Dublin, Iceland-Reykjavik, The United Kingdom-London, Norway-Oslo, Sweden-Stockholm, Finland-Helsinki, Denmark-Copenhagen, The Netherlands- Amsterdam, Luxemburg- Luxemburg City and Belgium-Brussels. Follow this link to see the flags:

  6. Gaeilge: Cén Gaeilge atá ar English, maths, history, geography, science, religion, art, P.E., drama.

  7. Nature Trail: Look and listen for all the different types of plants and animals on your walk. Gather a selection of different flowers, leaves etc. See can you identify what they are. Use them for a sensory art project. See pictures below for some suggestions.

  8. GAA challenges:

  • Zig-zag solo Football: You will need a football and cones/markers. Set out cones every metre and solo in between them. See how long you can keep it going without dropping the ball.

  • Zig-zag solo Hurling: You will need a sliotar, a hurley and cones/markers. Set out cones every metre and solo in between them with your sliotar and hurley. See how long you can keep it going without dropping the sliotar.

  • Pick, dummy and solo Football: You will need a football. Practice running onto the ball and picking it off the ground; Practice the dummy by faking going to one side, use your four steps and solo. Repeat for 30 seconds.

  • Pick, dummy and solo Hurling: You will need a sliotar and a hurley. Practice running onto the sliotar and picking it off the ground; Practice the dummy by faking going to one side, use your four steps and solo. Repeat for 30 seconds.

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