This week marks the last week of April and the end of Spring. Here are some news updates and suggestions for the week:
Cork city sports has been postponed and will resume in summer 2021.
Worksheets and supporting material for rte school hub are available here:
‘Keep Cork Active Booklets’: This free resource was compiled by the Cork Sports Partnership team in conjunction with a number of partner organisations to support you to keep active at home.
Reminder of excellent Irish Maths resources:
Geography Challenge: Learn the flags and capitals of the following 10 countries in Europe: Ireland- Dublin, Iceland-Reykjavik, The United Kingdom-London, Norway-Oslo, Sweden-Stockholm, Finland-Helsinki, Denmark-Copenhagen, The Netherlands- Amsterdam, Luxemburg- Luxemburg City and Belgium-Brussels. Follow this link to see the flags:
Gaeilge: Cén Gaeilge atá ar English, maths, history, geography, science, religion, art, P.E., drama.
Nature Trail: Look and listen for all the different types of plants and animals on your walk. Gather a selection of different flowers, leaves etc. See can you identify what they are. Use them for a sensory art project. See pictures below for some suggestions.
GAA challenges:
Zig-zag solo Football: You will need a football and cones/markers. Set out cones every metre and solo in between them. See how long you can keep it going without dropping the ball.
Zig-zag solo Hurling: You will need a sliotar, a hurley and cones/markers. Set out cones every metre and solo in between them with your sliotar and hurley. See how long you can keep it going without dropping the sliotar.
Pick, dummy and solo Football: You will need a football. Practice running onto the ball and picking it off the ground; Practice the dummy by faking going to one side, use your four steps and solo. Repeat for 30 seconds.
Pick, dummy and solo Hurling: You will need a sliotar and a hurley. Practice running onto the sliotar and picking it off the ground; Practice the dummy by faking going to one side, use your four steps and solo. Repeat for 30 seconds.