May Week 3

  1. Bealtaine Living Earth Festival takes place this week, May 16th – 24th. There will be virtual tours and live streamed visits at 5 O’ Clock every evening, activities and workshops for all. More information can be found here:

  2. Activities for new infants coming into Ahiohill NS in September and current infants: The following are some ideas for home-based learning on fine motor skills, social skills, independent skills and gross motor skills:

  3. Internet safety guidelines and resources for parents from webwise. This website has a wide variety of free booklets and leaflets to download to suit the needs of your family.

  4. HSE have released free online stress control classes for parents. These offer practical skills for dealing with stress or for those who may be feeling overwhelmed at this time.

  5. Gaa challenges booklet:

    Junior Infants- Second Class

    3rd- 6th Class:

  6. Geography Challenge 4: Learn the remaining flags and capitals of the final 14 countries in Europe: Moldova-Chișinău, Bosnia and Herzegovina-Sarajevo, Lithuania-Vilnius, North Macedonia-Skopje, Latvia- Riga, Montanegro- Podgorica, Andorra- Andorra la Vella, Monaco-Monaco, Liechenstein-Vaduz, San Marino-San Marino, Vatican City- Vatican city, Serbia- Belgrade, Kosovo-Pristina and Russia-Moscow. FOLLOW THIS LINK TO SEE THE FLAGS: HTTPS://BIT.LY/2VHNSS7 THE FOLLOWING LINK HAS AN ARRAY OF PUZZLES AND GAMES BASED ON THE EU COUNTRIES. HTTPS://BIT.LY/2YCTRCS

  7. Simple flower threading ideas in pictures 1 & 2.

  8. Grow a rainbow experiment in picture 3.

  9. Build your own bird house in picture 4.

  10. Cúla 4 schedule for the week ahead in picture 5.

flower 1.png
flower 2.png
cúla 4.png

May Week 4


Just a little note to say...