Welcome back to Juniors, Seniors, 1st, 2nd and 3rd class and well done on completing their fist week at school since December, we hope everyone had an enjoyable and safe experience.
Best of luck to 4th, 5th and 6th Class on their last week of online learning, Well done boys and girls, you are almost there. We look forward to welcoming you back on March 15th.
This week is Engineers Week and it is also World Book Day today, the children enjoyed a wide variety of activities.
We urge parent’s to keep your child at home if they are showing any of the COVID-19 symptoms until they are 48 hours symptom free. Here is a ‘quick isolation guide’
If your child is out sick or out of school for any reason, The Return to Education Form must be completed before returning and sent to the class teacher. For anyone having trouble filling this out, copy and paste it into a word document and you can fill in the information accordingly.
We are currently enrolling, forms are available on the green tab at the top of the website. For any additional queries please email
Thank you to all the families for your tireless work and we look forward to adapting back into school life once more.