Full return to school

Next Monday, 15th of March, marks the return to school of 4th, 5th & 6th class. We are really looking forward to having all the boys and girls back in school. Please note the following:

Book Drop:

We have allocated 10 a.m. -11 a.m. for returning children’s books to school on Friday 12th of March.   If you are dropping a sibling to school in the morning, Mrs Coomey will be in the yard so you may bring back the books then to avoid a second journey. We would ask that you would wear a mask when dropping off the books.

Return to Education Form:

All parents are required to fill out the Return to Education Form for each pupil returning. Please fill it out and email it to my email address ahiohill@gmail.com. This form must be completed before your child returns to school. Some parents have had difficulty editing this form, so it is fine to copy and paste the form and fill in your child details on a word document and email it to me that way.

You will also have to complete this Declaration after all absences from school, regardless of the reason for the absence and it must be sent to the class teacher.


Drop off/collection:

We will continue to operate the one-way system that has been in place this school year.

School gates will open at 9 a.m. Children/parents are not to congregate at the school gates prior to 9am.  School begins at 9.15 a.m.

The children will enter the school as they  have been all year-Junior/Senior Infants through the main front door; 1st-3rd class will come in through the main gate and go around to the Middle room side door, 4th to 6th through the main gates and enter on the side of their classroom.

At home time the Infant room will be collected at 1.55 p.m. from the ‘Montessori’ gate.

Caren/Mary will collect the children at the end of the day and escort them to the bus maintaining social distancing as they do so. School transport will run as normal.

1st-3rd will be collected through the big gate by the Middle room at 2.50. pm.

4th -6th will be collected through the Montessori gate at 2.55 pm.

As per DES guidelines we would ask that there is no congregation at any stage during drop off/collection and to adhere to Public health guidelines at all times.


Updated Covid-19 Response Plan

Please be familiar with the school's updated Covid-19 Response Plan, in particular section 5.

Please do not send your child to school if she/he has any Covid like symptoms. A precautionary approach should be taken. 

If you are unsure of what to do, please check the following:

· https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/40e9c-protecting-your-child-from-coronavirus/


Please note that parents of any child who is unwell will be contacted and asked to collect their child. This is in line with the school's Covid-19 Response Plan.



 The Department of Education has updated wellbeing resources for parents. Wellbeing resources for parents.



Parent/Teacher communication will continue via email/phone call.


We will not be allocating homework for the next 2 weeks. We will review this after the Easter holidays, when the children are settled back in school and into a routine once again. 

Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday to all the fantastic Mother’s and Granny’s for all you do.

Seachtaine na Gaeilge took place this week and the children showed off some excellent Irish skills through stories, poems, frasaí and lots more.

St Patrick’s Day is next Wednesday March 17th and the school will be closed for the day. The children can wear green on Tuesday 16th to celebrate.

We will be trialing a new lunch break time from next Monday 15th, am lón will take place at 1pm instead of 12:35. Please encourage your children to eat a good breakfast to have energy for the day and also a gentle reminder of our healthy eating policy.

Below are some photos of Junior and Senior Infants learning about Spring and the farm in Aistear.

We are really looking forward to having everyone back at school again next week, have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe!


St Patrick's Day

