Phased Return to School

We look forward to welcoming Junior Infants- 3rd Class back to school on Monday March 1st. Remote learning will continue for 4th- 6th Class until their return on March 15th.

Book Drop

We have allocated 10 a.m. -12 a.m. for returning Juniors- 3rd Class books to school today Friday 26th of February.

Parental Declaration Form

All parents are required to fill out the Return to Education Form for each pupil returning. Please fill it out and email it to the relevant class teacher. You will also have to complete this declaration after all absences from school, regardless of the reason for the absence.

Updated Covid-19 Response Plan

Please be familiar with the school's updated Covid-19 Response Plan (attached below), in particular section 5. Please do not send your child to school if she/he has any Covid like symptoms. A precautionary approach should be taken.  If you are unsure of what to do, please check the following:


Please note that parents of any child who is unwell will be contacted and asked to collect their child. This is in line with the school's Covid-19 Response Plan.


This is a very stressful and anxious time for many families. The Department of Education have updated their wellness resources for parents. Wellbeing resources for parents.


We are really looking forward to seeing all the boys and girls on Monday morning, stay safe everyone!

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Remote Learning Week 6