Our New Green School Committee for the Theme of Travel
Please meet out new committee members for the theme of Travel. The ultimate aim of the theme is to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling to school. The committee members have already shown great enthusiasm and are looking forward to working on this theme over the next 2 years. We are kick starting the theme by taking part in Walk to School Week which runs from the 7th to the 11th of October. Keep an eye on emails and our facebook page for further updates.
Our 2nd Green Flag for Water Conservation
After 2 years of hard work, water meter reading, tap checking, green code making and poster creating we were delighted to be awarded our second Green Flag for water conservation. Well done to all the pupils for making a difference and especially to our Green Flag Committee for ensuring all the criteria were met.
City Sports
A massive congratulations to all the City Sports participants who represented their school so well at MTU on Thursday the 31st of May. The children did a fantastic job and came home with 2 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze trophies. We are so proud of all the competitors.
Sciath na Scol Roinn 6
Last week 5th and 6th Class played Gurranes, Lisavaird and Bandonbridge. The children fought hard for every ball and displayed some terrific skills on the pitch. Sadly it just wasn’t our day but we are so proud of all of the children.
Ahiohill National School Clothes Collection
Please support this fundraiser organised by the Parents Association.
Enrolment for 2024/25
Enrolment to our new Junior Infant class opens on Tuesday 6th February. To request an enrolment form please call into the school or email us at info@ahiohillns.ie. Enrolment forms should be completed and returned to us by Thursday 29th February along with your child’s birth certificate.