Ahiohill Montessori
Afterschool hours are now available at Ahiohill Montessori every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Contact Deirdre on 0868723778 for more information.
Our Beautiful Sensory Garden
With the help of Ahiohill Vintage Club, Connor Mannix, Ahiohill Tidy Towns and Mrs. O’ Driscoll we were delighted to open our new Sensory Garden last June.
A Huge Thank you to Ahiohill Vintage Club
After a hugely successful fundraiser, Ahiohill Vintage Club presented Mrs Coomey with a cheque for €4000 in aid of the school’s sensory garden.
Booking Ahiohill National School Hall
A booking form is now required should any person wish to book the School Hall.
Please contact the school on 0238839477 or to request a booking form.
You are required to have current insurance applicable to your use of the Hall, to include Public Liability Insurance. Your insurance must indemnify Ahiohill National School and Cork Diocesan Trustees from all liability.(Written confirmation required.)
Any and all activities which involve persons under 18 years of age and/or vulnerable adults require you to have a Safeguarding Policy and practice which conform to the Safeguarding Policy of the School.
You are required to familiarise yourself/your organisation with emergency evacuation procedures.
Note that your organisation may be asked to contribute a fee to offset the running costs of the hall if you are charging entry/participant fees. Not-for-profit local community groups are exempt from fees.
Easter Raffle
Tickets will be sent home on Monday the 7th of March.
Each book contains 3 tickets and we will send 2 books home per family.
Cost is €2 each or 3 for €5.
If any parent wants more tickets they can send in an envelope with the child's name and how many books they want.
Tickets must be back in school by Monday the 28th of March
The draw will take place on Friday the 1st of April at 11am.
Summer Holidays!!
REMINDER: Tomorrow June 18th is Fun Day and children may wear their favourite jersey- They are in for a fun filled day of surprises from start to finish!!
Thank you to the Parents Association and the staff for organising a great sports day. The children had a well deserved fun day!! Below are all the photographs of our exciting day out!
A huge thank you also to the volunteers who have done much needed jobs around the school over the past few weeks. The school is looking great.
We are currently planning to upgrade the I.T. in the school over the coming years. We are hoping to invest in laptops for the senior rooms, a class supply of tablets and to start investing in Interactive touch screens for the classrooms. The BOM emailed local businesses to help fundraise for the I.T and we were completely overwhelmed with the response.
On behalf of the BOM and school, thank you to Walsh and O’Mahony, Derry Crowley, Ross Oil, RCM Tarmacadam and to the donors who wish to remain anonymous, for giving so generously. We are so appreciative of your support. With the money that has been donated €2,850 , we will be able to purchase a class supply of tablets with covers and a laptop. The children will get huge benefits out of these.
Sixth class Graduation will take place on Monday, 21st of June, with a little party for 6th to celebrate afterwards. As parents cannot attend the ceremony, we were hoping that any parent who is available, might do a drive by of the school, to help celebrate the children’s 8 years in Ahiohill NS. This will happen at 12.45 pm. Parents can assemble in their cars at the Old House Cross (the cross just below where CARA Lodge is) and drive up past the school heading towards the village. Sixth class children are welcome to go home after this event. We will also put a powerpoint presentation together with photos and songs from the Graduation day for 6th class parents.
School reports:
School reports were posted yesterday and the incoming infants will receive their infant pack tomorrow. The school calendar and the book list for next year are enclosed with the reports. Expenses for the school year have been explained in the book list. One of the expenses is Book Rental. We hope to use this to invest in textbooks for the school over the coming years, therefore reducing the amount of books to be purchased by you every year.
Summer holidays
On Wednesday, 25th of June the school will close for summer holidays. The school will be closing at 12p.m. However, we will stagger the home times for the different classes.
Junior,Senior infants and children on the bus: 11.45 a.m.
1st, 2nd&3rd class: 11.55 a.m.
4th, 5th & 6th class: 12 p.m.
We are very sad to say goodbye to our secretary of 15 years, Noelle Sheehan. Noelle has been an amazing secretary, friend and the backbone of Ahiohill National School for many years. Noelle is a modest, kind and caring character who always had time to help everyone out. Thank you so much for all you have done for the children, staff and community of Ahiohill NS and we wish you well on your next chapter.
With this, we would like to welcome Margo Lehane to the staff as our new secretary.
A warm welcome to Mr O’ Neill who will be teaching the Senior room for the remainder of the year.
COMPETITION: Clonakilty Credit Union are running a Facebook competition to win an Ice-Cream cart for the day at your favourite local school= Ahiohill National School. To vote, go into ‘Clonakilty Credit Union’ on Facebook, scroll down to the Ice-cream post and simply like the photograph of Ahiohill NS.
A huge thank you to Cathy who has been dancing with us every Monday, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have some fantastic new moves to show for it! Here are the Senior room strutting their stuff!
Today we had Jonathan Davis Fitness in school where all class groups got to enjoy 1 hour of a fitness bootcamp.
The Infant room had great fun doing The Supermarket in Aistear over the month of May.
The middle room have been learning about the Rain forest, exotic plants and animals and Summer and they have created some excellent artwork based on this.
Dates for the Diary:
Monday 7th & 8th: School will be closed due to the bank holiday.
Friday 11th: Sports Day.
Friday 18th: Fun Day.
Monday 21st: 6th Class Graduation.
Wednesday 23rd: Summer Holidays, 1/2 with staggered home times as follows:
Infant room & bus 11:45
1st-3rd Class 11:55
Senior room 12 noon