Remote learning week 1

We hope you are all keeping safe and well during this time. Well done to all the boys, girls, Moms and Dads who almost have their first week of online learning complete. Great job everybody! Below are some fun extra curricular activities to choose from:

  • Rebel Óg Coaching are putting together a weekly PE session, that children can do whilst at home.

Junior & Senior Infants

1st & 2nd Class

3rd & 4th Class

5th & 6th Class

This will be updated weekly and the new sessions can be found on the link here:


  • RTÉ School hub is on Mon-Fri 10-12 am, Irish sign language version is at 1pm and after school hub is 3: 20 all on RTÉ2. The hub has excellent lessons for middle and older rooms. Resources for lessons are here

  • PE skills with Kilkenny’s TJ Brosnan is starting back this Friday at 12 noon. This will be streamed live through ‘TJ Reid Health and fitness’ Facebook page.

  • For any Harry Potter lovers, here is a quiz

Pictures Below

  1. 30 days of positivity challenge

  2. Make your own play dough

  3. Salt art

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Remote Learning Week 2


School Closure & Distance Learning