
Happy Easter everyone!!

The following are some fresh ideas for the coming week:

  • This week is Holy week marking the last week of Lent- Check Parish website for news and events: https://bit.ly/2vYW38V

  • Draw with artist Don Conroyhttps://bit.ly/2V2KqGo

  • Free graded readers based on the Jolly phonics groupings. https://bit.ly/2xTvB0O Scroll down to the table, all the books are in the third column, 'a pan' is the first pdf book once you click into it, it gives you suggestions of questions to ask and the reading pages are just below. They get more difficult then as the list goes down.

  •  ‘My CJ Fallon’ have made all Busy at Maths online tutorials, games and interactives free to parents and pupils. Small World resources and Céim ar chéim posters are also available once you filter your subject to suit : https://bit.ly/2wUUObn  -Click on student resources, filter to suit level, class, subject, book and choose page in book.

  • Incredible edibles are a healthy eating initiative which teaches us all about where our food comes from. They have set out a family challenge to work on over a few weeks with different entry categories and prizes. https://bit.ly/2V1ae5M

    Task 1: Food Origin                                              

    Task 2: Identifying Irish Food           

    Task 3: Planting/Growing                                  

    Task 4: Preparing/Cooking                             

    Task 5: Healthy Eating Week

  • Time Capsule suggestion sheets: https://bit.ly/2wgVmYC

  • Easter themed resources. Simply follow this link and scroll down to see a list of Easter games, stories and activities based on the subject of your choice: https://bit.ly/2UJYN3x

  • GAA Challenges:

    • Partner wall strike Hurling: You will need a wall, a sliotar, a partner and you will each need a hurley. Strike the sliotar against the wall and your partner must catch it and strike it back. Continue this pattern and see you long you can keep it off the ground.

    • Partner wall strike football: You will need a wall, a football and a partner. Kick the ball against the wall and your partner must catch it and kick it back. Continue this pattern and see you long you can keep it off the ground.

    • Partner hand pass hurling: You will need a sliotar and a partner. Hand-pass the sliotar to your partner. See how many you can do in 30 seconds without dropping sliotar. To make this trickier, practice using every second hand.

    • Partner hand pass football: You will need a ball and a partner. Hand-pass the ball to your partner. See how many you can do in 30 seconds without dropping the ball. To make this trickier, practice using every second hand.

  • Pictures below:

    1. As we were doing very well with our Green Schools before we finished up, these elephants made from recycled milk cartons are a nice activity for any class group to try at home. (pictures 1 + 2)

    2. Science experiment: Make colourful fizzy blocks (Picture 3)

    3. Free classes led by Celebrities for kids (picture 4)

Picture 1

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 4


Easter Week 2

